Visar Haliti
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Kinderen leren spel - Nederlands
Kinderen leren spel - Nederlands5.0
• Spelen, leren, te groeien slim. Het is een educatief spel dat helpt je kinderen naar ABC, cijfers, vormen, vruchten, groenten, kleuren, dieren leren door middel van aanraking en gehoor. • Ons educatief spel laat uw kinderen het alfabet en leren ze om letters te herkennen. • Geluiden en kleuren,
Bosna i Hercegovina - Radio
Bosna i Hercegovina - Radio5.0
Bosnian radios * Add to favourite * Search option * Choose your radio and play Ako imate bilo kakvih pitanja, molimo da nas kontaktirate na e-mail:
Koran auf Deutsch - Al-Quran
Koran auf Deutsch - Al-Quran5.0
Koran mp3-Audio in Deutsch. Bei dieser Anwendung werden Sie den Koran mit Audio in Deutsch hören. Darin enthalten sind alle 114 Suren. Die Anwendung ist sehr einfach zu bedienen und Sie können Suren zu Ihren Favoriten hinzufügen. - Erster Wichtigste ist eine gewisse Gebetszeit für Millionen von M
Stations de radio du Maurice
Stations de radio du Maurice5.0
Le moyen le plus simple et le plus fiable d'écouter vos stations AM, FM et stations de radio en ligne préférées avec un iPhone ou un iPad. Écouter Maurice Radio gratuitement: • Écoute de vos stations de radio préférées • Découvrir de nouvelles musiques • Rester connecté à la maison tout en vivant
Aprenda a contar - Português
Aprenda a contar - Português5.0
Finalmente, um divertido e EDUCATIVO jogo para ajudar os mais pequenos Aprender seus primeiros números e contando para o tempo em tudo. Aprender a contar é tão fácil quanto 1, 2, 3! Preste atenção a seu toddler descobrir a alegria simples de aprender enquanto batem e contam longitudinalmente. Proje
Lexim Ku'rani ne Shqip
Lexim Ku'rani ne Shqip4.9
Kur’ani mp3 audio në gjuhën shqipe. Në këtë aplikacion do të ndëgjoni Kur’anin me zë në shqip, gjithashtu edhe mund te lexoni Kuran gjate degjimit. Janë të përfshira të gjitha 114 kaptinat. Ky aplikacion përmban shumë karakteristika të dobishme për muslimanët si Mp3 Kur'an Sure, Abdesin, Rekatet,
Syria Radio Station live FM
Syria Radio Station live FM4.8
الطريقة الأبسط والأكثر موثوقية للاستماع إلى المفضلة FM ومحطات الاذاعة على الانترنت مع اي فون أو آي باد الخاص بك. الاستماع إلى الإذاعة السورية مجانا: • الاستماع إلى محطات الراديو المفضلة لديك • اكتشاف الموسيقى الجديدة • البقاء على اتصال من المنزل بينما كان يعيش في الخارج • الموسيقى الإمالة • أنواع
Quran in Urdu -Listen and read
Quran in Urdu -Listen and read4.8
Quran mp3 audio in Urdu language. In this application you will listen the Qur'an with audio in Urdu language. Included are all 114 surahs. The application is very easy to use and you can add suras to Favorite. اس درخواست میں آپ اردو زبان میں آڈیو کے ساتھ قرآن سنیں گے. شامل تمام 114 سورتوں ہیں
Armenian Radio Stations FM
Armenian Radio Stations FM4.8
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favourite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Armenian Radio for free: • Listening to your favourite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music • Specifi
Srpski Radio Stanice - Srbija
Srpski Radio Stanice - Srbija4.8
Најједноставнији и најпоузданији начин слушања омиљених АМ, ФМ и мрежних радио станица са iPhone -а или iPad -а. Слушајте српски радио бесплатно: • Слушање ваших омиљених радио станица • Откривање нове музике • Останите повезани са домом док живите у иностранству • Музика у тренду • Одређени музич
Tanzania Radio Stations live
Tanzania Radio Stations live4.8
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favourite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Tanzania Radio for free: • Listening to your favourite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music • Specifi
Smooth Jazz Music Radios
Smooth Jazz Music Radios4.8
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favourite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Smooth Jazz Radio for free: • Listening to your favourite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music Tune
Classic Rock Radio Stations FM
Classic Rock Radio Stations FM4.8
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favorite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Classic Rock Radio for free: • Listening to your favorite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music Tune
Italian Radio Stations FM
Italian Radio Stations FM4.7
Il modo più semplice e più affidabile per ascoltare il vostro preferito AM, FM e stazioni radio on-line con un iPhone o iPad. Ascolta Radio italiano gratuitamente: • L'ascolto di stazioni radio preferite • Scoprire nuova musica • Rimanere collegato alla casa, mentre vivono all'estero • la musica d
Kenya - Music and Radio News
Kenya - Music and Radio News4.7
• Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music news • Specific music genres (Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Folk & more) • Live sports • Breaking news • Talk radio Tune in to your favourite Radio Stations end enjoy listening with this great App. ——— Download Kenya Radio and
Uganda Radio Stations Live
Uganda Radio Stations Live4.7
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favourite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Uganda Radio for free: • Listening to your favourite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music • Specific
Radios Argentinas En vivo
Radios Argentinas En vivo4.7
Escucha las mejores estaciones de radio de Argentina en tu iPhone o iPad. Escucha esta radio y descubre nuevos sonidos, nuevas canciones, nuevos cantantes y nuevas sensaciones con la música. Escuche todos los tipos de tango, el mejor tango del mundo. Y por qué tango solo, escucha jazz, música pop, r
Trinidad and Tobago Radio FM
Trinidad and Tobago Radio FM4.7
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favorite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Trinidad and Tobago Radio for free: • Listening to your favorite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music
Reggae Music Radio Stations FM
Reggae Music Radio Stations FM4.6
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favourite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Reggae Radio for free: • Listening to your favourite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music Tune in t
Irish Radios & News live fm
Irish Radios & News live fm4.6
Ireland Best News & Radio App for free *Full background play *Notification bar with play/stop button *Listen to the best Ireland Radio Stations on your device. Music, News, Sports etc... *For every Radio Stations you want to add on the list just contact us on email *For
Toronto Radio Stations - News
Toronto Radio Stations - News4.6
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favourite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Toronto Radio for free: • Listening to your favourite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music • Specific
New York City Radio Stations
New York City Radio Stations4.6
• Trending music news • Specific music genres (Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Folk & more) • Live sports • Breaking news • Talk radio Tune in to your favourite Radio Stations end enjoy listening with this great App. ——— Download NYC Radio and news Today For Free ——— If you have any questi
KUR'AN Bosanski prijevod BiH
KUR'AN Bosanski prijevod BiH4.6
Kuran mp3 audio na bosanskom jeziku. U ovoj aplikaciji ćete slušati Kur'an sa audio na bosanskom jeziku. Uključeni su svi 114 sure. - Prva Najvažnije je tačno vreme molitve za milione muslimana širom svijeta. Vrijeme izlaska i zalaska sunca varira od jedne do druge lokacije za pronalaženje pribl
Bluegrass Radio Stations FM AM
Bluegrass Radio Stations FM AM4.6
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favorite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Bluegrass Radio for free: • Listening to your favorite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music Tune in
Quran in Bengali - Bangla
Quran in Bengali - Bangla4.6
Quran mp3 audio in Bengali. In this application you will listen the Qur'an with audio in Bengali. Included are all 114 surahs. - First Most important thing is aqurate prayer time for millions of Muslims around the world. The time of sunrise and sunset varies from one location to another for f
Quran in English - Al Quran
Quran in English - Al Quran4.5
- Quran in English. - In this application you will listen the Qur'an with audio in English. Included are all 114 surahs. - First Most important thing is aqurate prayer time for millions of Muslims around the world. The time of sunrise and sunset varies from one location to another for finding a
Nigeria Radio Stations / News
Nigeria Radio Stations / News4.5
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favourite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad. Listen to Nigeria Radio for free: • Listening to your favourite radio stations • Discovering new music • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music • Specific
Barbados Radio, News, Music
Barbados Radio, News, Music4.5
Barbados Radio Stations • Music, News, Sports • Trending music news Tune in to your favorite Barbados Radio and News Stations - and enjoy with this great app. If you have any questions, please contact us on email:
Radio Kosovare - Kosove Live
Radio Kosovare - Kosove Live4.4
Programi më i mirë i Radio Stacioneve Shqiptare - Kosovare per Iphone dhe Ipad *Dëgjoni stacionet më të mira shqiptare në telefonin tuaj. Muzikë, Lajme, Sport etj... ***Lista e stacioneve: 1. Radio Besa 2. RadioKosovarja 104.4 FM 3. Radio Llapi 103.2 FM 4. Radio Vizioni 88.1 FM 5. Radio Sharri
Jamaica Radios - Jamaican
Jamaica Radios - Jamaican4.4
///***Best Radio APP for free***/// *Full background play *Notification bar with play/stop button *Listen to the best Jamaica Radio Stations on your device. Music, News, Sports etc... *For every Radio Stations you want to add on the list just contact us on email *For ev
Radio Shqiptare - Kosovare
Radio Shqiptare - Kosovare4.3
Programi më i mirë i Radio Stacioneve Shqiptare - Shqiperi, Kosove, Maqedoni dhe diaspore Dëgjoni stacionet më të mira shqiptare në telefonin tuaj. Muzikë, Lajme, Sport. *Për çdo radio stacion që dëshironi ta shtojmë në list vetëm na kontaktoni në e-mailin *Për çdo ankesë
Coran en français - Al-Quran
Coran en français - Al-Quran4.3
Audio mp3 Coran en français. Dans cette application, vous écouterez le Coran avec l'audio en français. Inclus sont les 114 sourates. - Premièrement, le temps de prière de l'aquase pour des millions de musulmans à travers le monde. L'heure du lever et du coucher du soleil varie d'un endroit à l'aut
Hawaii Radio, News - Music
Hawaii Radio, News - Music4.2
Hawaiian Radio Stations / News • Staying connected to home while living abroad • Trending music news • Specific music genres (Rock, Pop, Jazz, Country, Folk & more) • Live sports • Breaking news • Talk radio Tune in to your favourite Radio Stations end enjoy listening with this great App
Barn lärande spel - Svenska Alfabetet
Barn lärande spel - Svenska Alfabetet3.0
Spela, lära, växa Smart är ett spännande pedagogiskt spel som hjälper ditt barn snabbt lära sig ABC, siffror, former, frukt, grönsaker, färger och Djur efter syn, ljud och beröring. • Ljuva animationer lära barnen definitionerna av orden på ett roligt och engagerande sätt. • Barnen kommer att ha s
Juego para los niños que aprenden - En Español
Juego para los niños que aprenden - En Español2.8
• Jugar, Aprender, Crecer Inteligente. Que se trata de un juego educativo ayuda a sus hijos a aprender ABC, números, formas, frutas, verduras, los colores, los animales a través del tacto y el oído. • Nuestro juego educativo muestra a sus niños el alfabeto y enseñarles a reconocer las letras. • Lo
Çocuklar için öğrenme oyunu - Türkçe Pro
Çocuklar için öğrenme oyunu - Türkçe Pro2.0
• Oyun, öğrenmek, Akıllı büyümek. Bu ABC öğrenmek için çocuğunuza yardımcı olan bir eğitim oyunu, Sayılar, Şekiller, Meyveler, Sebzeler, Renkler, işitme ve dokunma yoluyla Hayvanlar. • Bizim eğitim oyun çocuklara alfabeyi gösterir ve harfleri tanımak için onlara öğretmek. • Sesler ve renkler, harf
Börn læra leikur - Íslenska
Börn læra leikur - Íslenska2.0
• Spila, læra, vaxa sviði. Það er fræðandi leikur sem hjálpar börnin að læra ABC, tölur, form, ávexti, grænmeti, liti, dýr gegnum snertingu og heyrn. • fræðandi leikur okkar sýnir að börnum þínum stafrófið og kenna þeim að þekkja stafina. • Hljóð og litir, bréf, ávextir nöfn og fleira upptökur. •
Бесеница - Hangman Bulgarian
Бесеница - Hangman Bulgarian1.0
* Бесеница на български * Класическата игра Бесеница е достъпно на вашия iPhone / IPAD-накрая! * Познай всяка дума буква по буква, за да се избегне страшен съдбата ... Категории на списъка на думите, включват: - История - География - Забавление - Държави - Спорт Изтегляне Бесеница игра днес и
Gry edukacyjne dla dzieci - Polskie
Gry edukacyjne dla dzieci - Polskie1.0
• Odtwarzanie, uczyć się, rosnąć inteligentne. Jest to gra edukacyjna, która pomaga dzieciom nauczyć się abc, cyfry, kształty, owoce, warzywa, kolory, zwierzęta za pomocą dotyku i słuchu. • Nasza gra edukacyjna pokazuje swoim dzieciom alfabet i nauczyć je rozpoznawać litery. • Dźwięki i kolory, li
Crianças jogo de aprendizagem - Português
Crianças jogo de aprendizagem - Português1.0
• Jogo, aprender, crescer inteligente. É um jogo educativo que ajuda seus filhos para aprender ABC, números, formas, frutas, verduras, cores, animais através do toque e audição. • Nosso jogo educativo mostra a suas crianças o alfabeto e ensiná-los a reconhecer as letras. • Os sons e cores, letras,
Børn lærer spil - Alfabet Dansk
Børn lærer spil - Alfabet Dansk1.0
• Spil, lære, vokse smart. Det er en pædagogisk spil, der hjælper dine børn til at lære ABC, tal, figurer, frugt, grøntsager, farver, dyr gennem berøring og hørelse. • Vores pædagogiske spil viser at dine børn alfabetet og lære dem at genkende bogstaver. • Lyde og farver, bogstaver, frugt navne og
Aprende a contar en español
Aprende a contar en español1.0
Finalmente un juego divertido y educativo para ayudar a los más pequeños Aprender sus primeros números y contar en el tiempo en absoluto. Aprender a contar es tan fácil como 1, 2, 3! Mire a su niño descubrir la alegría simple de aprender como golpean y cuentan adelante. Diseñado para las mentes jóv
UK - POP Music Radio Stations (Best of POP)
UK - POP Music Radio Stations (Best of POP)-
This APP lets you access the best of POP music and radio in United Kingdom. Download today to listen to top radio stations and POP music on your device.<br><br>It is easy to use, and best of all, FREE.<br><br>• UK - POP Music Radio Stations has the most popular radio stations from cities across UK l
UK - Top 40 Radio Stations ( Top 40 Music Hits )
UK - Top 40 Radio Stations ( Top 40 Music Hits )-
This APP lets you access the best of Top 40 music and radio in United Kingdom. Download today to listen to top radio stations and Top 40 music on your device.<br><br>It is easy to use, and best of all, FREE.<br><br>• UK - Top 40 Music Radio Stations has the most popular radio stations from cities ac
Anime Radio - Best of Nihon Music Stations
Anime Radio - Best of Nihon Music Stations-
あなたの好きなアニメの曲を1か所で、アニメと日本のミュージックステーションから選んでください。 最高のラジオ局を選択できます。<br>IphoneとIpadで利用できます。<br><br>お気に入りのラジオ局を選択して簡単にアクセスできます。<br><br>CHANNEL LIST:<br><br>AnimeNfo Radio<br>Manganime Radio<br>Vocaloid Radio<br>Radio Openings Animes<br>Radio Rakuen<br>Anime Classics Radio 1<br>Retro PC GAME Music Radio<br
Kinder Lernspiel - Deutsch Alphabet
Kinder Lernspiel - Deutsch Alphabet-
Spielen, Lernen, Wachsen Smart ist ein spannendes Lernspiel , dass Ihr Kind hilft schnell das ABC lernen, Zahlen, Formen, Obst, Gemüse, Farben und Tiere durch Sehen, Hören und Berührung. • Herrliche Animationen Kinder lehren die Definitionen der Worte in einem Spaß und spannende Weise. • Kinder ha
New York Oldies - Radio Stations
New York Oldies - Radio Stations-
This APP lets you access the best of OLDIES music and radio in New York. Download today to listen to top radio stations and OLDIES music on your device.<br><br>It is easy to use, and best of all, FREE.<br><br>• New York Oldies - Radio Stations has the most popular radio stations from New York
Jazz Music Radio Stations - Top Hits
Jazz Music Radio Stations - Top Hits-
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favourite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad.<br><br>Listen to Jazz Radio for free:<br><br>• Listening to your favorite radio stations<br>• Discovering new music<br>• Staying connected to home while living abroad<br>• Trending
Stations de radio du Mali - Meilleure Musique FM
Stations de radio du Mali - Meilleure Musique FM-
Le moyen le plus simple et le plus fiable d'écouter vos stations AM, FM et stations de radio en ligne préférées avec un iPhone ou un iPad.<br><br>Écouter Mali Radio gratuitement:<br><br>• Écoute de vos stations de radio préférées<br>• Découvrir de nouvelles musiques<br>• Rester connecté à la maison
Iran Radios - Top Stations Music Player Iranian FM
Iran Radios - Top Stations Music Player Iranian FM-
*گوش دادن به بهترین ایستگاه های رادیویی ایران بر روی دستگاه شما. موسیقی، اخبار، ورزش و غیره ...<br><br><br>***لیست کانال:<br><br><br>1. Radio Hamrah<br>2. Iranian Radio Dance<br>3. Radio Majaz<br>4. Radio Iran Kriht<br>5. Iran On Air Stockholm<br>6. Iranian Radio Persian Pop<br>7. Radio IRAN KIRN 67
123 Learn Counting For Kids
123 Learn Counting For Kids-
Finally a FUN and EDUCATIONAL game to help little ones<br>learn their first numbers and counting in to time at all.<br><br>Learning to count is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Watch your toddler discover the simple joy of learning as they tap and count along. Designed for young minds and tiny fingers, the gamep
Hangman Spel - Hangman Game ( Afrikaans )
Hangman Spel - Hangman Game ( Afrikaans )-
* Hangman spel in Afrikaans<br><br>* Die klassieke wedstryd galg beskikbaar op jou iPhone / iPad uiteindelik!<br><br>* Raai elke woord letter vir letter om 'n grusame lot te vermy ...<br><br>Kategorieë van die woord lys sluit in:<br><br>- Vrugte<br>- Dele van die liggaam<br>- Diere<br>- Lande<br>- S
Anime Radio - Best of Nihon Music Stations Pro
Anime Radio - Best of Nihon Music Stations Pro-
Public Anime Radio for all iPhones and iPads<br><br><br>Listen live to your favourite Anime radio stations and your preferred program with Radio Anime.<br>Our application allows you to have easy access to the best and most popular Anime radio stations: JPop, KPop, JRock, JMusic, Asian...<br>- An ext
Stations de radio du Bénin - Meilleure Musique FM
Stations de radio du Bénin - Meilleure Musique FM-
Le moyen le plus simple et le plus fiable d'écouter vos stations AM, FM et stations de radio en ligne préférées avec un iPhone ou un iPad.<br><br>Écouter Benin Radio gratuitement:<br><br>• Écoute de vos stations de radio préférées<br>• Découvrir de nouvelles musiques<br>• Rester connecté à la maison
Blues Radio - Blues Music Radio Stations FM/AM
Blues Radio - Blues Music Radio Stations FM/AM-
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favorite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad.<br><br>Listen to Blues Radio for free:<br><br>• Listening to your favorite radio stations<br>• Discovering new music<br>• Staying connected to home while living abroad<br>• Trending
Bronx Radio Stations - Best Music/News FM AM
Bronx Radio Stations - Best Music/News FM AM-
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favourite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad.<br><br>Listen to Bronx Radio for free:<br><br>• Listening to your favourite radio stations<br>• Discovering new music<br>• Trending music<br>• Specific music genres (Rock, Pop, Jaz
中文收音機 - 頂級音樂站 - China Radio Stations
中文收音機 - 頂級音樂站 - China Radio Stations-
Radio Czech Republic - Radios CZ Free FM
Radio Czech Republic - Radios CZ Free FM-
Nejjednodušší a nejspolehlivější způsob, jak poslouchat svou oblíbenou AM, FM a internetových rádií s iPhone nebo iPad.<br><br>Poslech Český rozhlas zdarma:<br><br>• poslech vašich oblíbených rozhlasových stanic<br>• Objevování novou hudbu<br>• Zůstat připojený k domovu, zatímco žijící v zahraničí<b
Dance Music Radio Stations - Top Hits
Dance Music Radio Stations - Top Hits-
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favorite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad.<br><br>Listen to Dance Radio for free:<br><br>• Listening to your favorite radio stations<br>• Discovering new music<br>• Trending music<br><br><br><br>Tune in to your favorite Radi
Egypt Radio Live - Top Stations Music Player Free
Egypt Radio Live - Top Stations Music Player Free-
The simplest and most reliable way to listen to your favorite AM, FM and online radio stations with an iPhone or iPad.<br><br>Listen to Egypt Radio for free:<br><br>• Listening to your favorite radio stations<br>• Discovering new music<br>• Staying connected to home while living abroad<br>• Trending